Saturday, August 18, 2007

Learning so much

Erin and I have had a great week of learning at the ILC. The president of the International Mission Board, Jerry Rankin, spoke to us all this last week about the spiritual, physical and emotional challenges that we are going to face on the field. It was inspiring when we considered how many missionaries before us sacrificed so much for the cause of Christ. It made us realize that going without a few creature comforts like air conditioning and living on the 4th floor with no elevators was really no big deal. It sort of put us in the right mindset that we are not doing this for us but for God. Our comfort is not really the goal, but Christ being worshipped around the world is. Our supervisor, Mark, asked us to write out a two minute testimony of how we came to follow Jesus. He and his wife then translated that testimony into Polish on paper and on cassette tape. Erin and I are now working on learning our testimony in Polish so that we can start to tell people our story immediately. Its hard because we really have no idea what we are saying and only know our colors and numbers in Polish. But we'll get it. I also received a copy of my great grandfather's testimony he wrote for a Russian magazine. We had it translated and read about how he tried to start churches in north east Poland in the 1920's. His message was so unpopular that they burned down his house while his family slept. They escaped and continued to do their work. His mother-in-law asked him why he didn't just pray in a room by himself and stop trying to hold meetings and start churches. He replied that his life was all about trying to please God not men. This was a reminder and a challenge to Erin and I that times will be tough but we are working for God not for men. Below is a picture of my great-grandfather in front of a Baptist Polish seminary. He is the one in the middle. We love and miss you and we thank you for your prayers. Please look at the prayer requests to the right and don't forget to leave a comment, it lets us know that you are reading. Peace, Seba and Erin


Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like you guys have a busy schedule! I prayed for you this morning, and our youth group will be praying for you today as well!
-Justin Allison

Justin said...

Thanks for the update:)Justin really enjoyed the phone call from Seba. Monday is official "Pray for Vazquezes Day" in the Bassett home, as we are trying to pray for a different overseas friend each day as a family. Not that we can't pray for you on other days too... but for a scatter brain like me, I have to have a little schedule to keep up with everyone!
Oh yeah- I think I learned a Polish word... is "grandma" something like "Jinka"??
Love y'all!

Our Flock of Sheep said...

Glad to hear from you guys. Hope you both have a great birthday at the compound :)

Melinda said...

I am so glad you updated! I have been thinking about you guys a lot and checking for an update. It looks like you are staying busy and learning a lot! We're continuing to pray for you guys and look forward to reading more about your adventures. Love ya!

FordeFam said...

Wow!!! Your testimonies in Polish!!! We are praying for you guys during this prep time! I'm always checking to see what's up in your exciting world!!! :) So grateful for these blogs that can keep us all updated at once! Technology at work for the LORD!!! ;) Blessings!

The Roma people of Poland said...

This is awesome about your great grandfather. We are looking forward to meeting and fellowshipping with you here in Krakow, Poland
Z Bogiem, Jerry Goss and family

Roberts Family said...

What a great idea about your testimonies! Sounds challenging, but it will be so useful!

Anonymous said...

Its great to hear from you two. You sound really busy. I am going to try the bible reading idea. Sounds fun. I can always use a little help in that department. I know I fall way short on reading His word on my own. We will continue to pray for you guys adn checking the blog. Kathy Welch and family

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, Its good to hear that you're learning so much. You are in our prayers. Happy Birthday too. We got you an ice cream at the cold stone but I had to eat it...sorry :)
ben and ash