Monday, August 27, 2007


I wanted to share with you some lessons we have been learning before going to Poland. One of our challenges is to teach people how to read the Bible for themselves instead of depending on a preacher (or even a missionary). We practice doing this ourselves by using an acronym called SPECKA. The way it works is that we read a chapter of the Bible and look for the following: ...a Sin to confess ....a Promise to keep Example to follow ...a Command to Keep ... Knowledge to learn Application to make in our lives. Every Sunday we have churches in our dorms as you can see in the picture. We sing some and pray but no one preaches. We just take a chapter of the Bible and share with each other what we found using our SPECKA method. I challenge you guys to try it. Take one of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) and read a chapter and see if you can find anything using SPECKA. It has worked well for us and I hope it does for you too.


Our Flock of Sheep said...

Happy birthday old man.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Love you guys,

Mandy, Brad, Chloe, Jacob and Will

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Seba and Erin. Just FYI- People have been putting money in our jar. We have more than doubled what was in there :)
Love Robin, Adam, Riley, & Aidan